Constant emotional and physical stress negatively affects potency and sex drive. You can deal with sexual problems by changing your diet. Food containing vitamins and microelements necessary for the male body contributes to the normalization of metabolism, the production of testosterone and the improvement of sperm quality.
How to improve erectile function at home
Men after reaching a certain age think about how to avoid impotence. Some representatives of the stronger sex turn to traditional medicine, while others begin to use hormonal stimulants, drops and dietary supplements in order to be on alert if necessary. But it is easier and safer to introduce products for erectile function into the diet. When drawing up a menu for a diet, it is advisable to follow these recommendations:
- The diet should be dominated by foods containing phytohormones, zinc, selenium, vitamins of groups A, B, E, amino acids necessary for the male body.
- Vegetables and fruits are best eaten raw becauseafter heat treatment, most of the nutrients are destroyed.
- Alcohol must be abandoned altogether. An exception is dry red wine. It can be consumed 100-150 ml per day.
- If you follow a diet to improve erection, you should reduce the amount of salt to 5 grams per day, and sugar to 30 grams.
- Sweets should be replaced with fruits, and fast carbohydrates and potatoes with cereals. If you cannot refuse bakery products, then you should choose those that do not contain yeast and are made from wholemeal flour.
It can be difficult to immediately readjust to proper nutrition, so healthy foods should be introduced into the diet gradually. There is no need for fasting, i. e. the man can eat the usual amount of food. Doctors recommend following a diet to improve erection for a month. During this time, noticeable improvements should appear in the man's condition. Unhealthy foods should also be introduced into the diet gradually. The portions should be small.
A woman can not only feed a man with erection products, but also make sure that he exercises daily. High-intensity workouts and exercises that activate the gluteal, tailor, adductor muscles are considered more useful for potency. Regular exercises help to normalize blood circulation in the pelvic region, enhance potency. Men are advised to make a birch tree, a bridge. These gymnastic exercises can also help solve sexual problems in a natural way.
If problems with erection after normalization of nutrition and physical activity have not been resolved, you should visit a urologist or andrologist. You should not self-prescribe medication or take supplements containing synthetic hormones. in 70% of cases, they suppress the natural production of biologically active substances. With complete erectile dysfunction, only a qualified doctor will help.
Vitamins and trace elements for male strength
Foods for increasing potency in men contain substances that normalize testosterone production. Minerals and vitamins A, E, B of groups must be present in a man's menu. Zinc, selenium, potassium and magnesium are of particular importance for the maintenance of reproductive function. With their lack, a man will experience general problems with the body: weakness, lack of erection, headaches.
Zinc promotes the absorption of vitamin E, is responsible for the production of testosterone. This element is contained in sea fish, nuts, mushrooms, peas, raw eggs. Zinc is well absorbed from food by a young body, but older people may have problems getting it from food. In such situations, doctors advise consuming zinc along with vitamin A in capsule form. This combination of substances will enhance erection and increase the amount of semen produced.
Selenium is one of the main components of sperm. It is well absorbed together with vitamin E. Selenium deficiency can be eliminated with the help of cabbage, apples, nuts, fresh oysters. You can not use products containing this element, together with milk, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, becausethey reduce its absorption by the body. Alcoholic drinks and coffee remove selenium from the organs. Vitamins A, E, B of groups are present in citrus fruits, lean meat, apples, nuts.
Potassium is needed for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. With its lack, problems with pressure and erection arise. Bananas, citrus fruits, dairy products, tomatoes, pumpkins contain large amounts of potassium. Magnesium is an antioxidant that prevents the development of prostate cancer and cardiovascular disease. You can replenish the reserves of this element in the body with the help of sunflower seeds, figs, nuts, cereals.
Foods for men with a lot of iron normalize the process of hematopoiesis. It directly affects the erection, becausewhen excited, a large amount of blood rushes to the genitals. With a lack of iron, a representative of the stronger sex will develop anemia and partial impotence. Sources of this element are squid, crabs, lean pork, figs, buckwheat, oatmeal.

Products to increase potency in men - top 20
Vegetables and fruits are rich in nutrients. With regular use, they help to strengthen the body, normalize cholesterol levels and sexual activity. Only certain types of products are suitable for enhancing an erection. They must necessarily contain trace elements and vitamins that normalize the production of testosterone, the process of hematopoiesis. Top 20 products for maintaining erectile function in men:
- Oysters and mussels.These seafood activate testosterone production, increase libido, increase sperm count, and increase the duration of intercourse. Oysters and mussels should not be consumed by people suffering from gastritis and diabetes. From seafood for an erection, you should also eat squid, crayfish, shrimp, stingray or shark meat. They improve the overall endurance of the body. Oysters can only be eaten 1-2 times a week. If you eat more than 200 grams of this product every day, mercury will start to build up in your body. This will lead to the development of gastroenteritis.
- Sea fish.Flounder promotes blood flow to the penis, and mackerel increases libido. Any lean sea fish has a positive effect on erection, becauseit contains a lot of minerals and vitamins. You cannot use these products if you are hypersensitive. You can eat sea fish 3-4 times a week. One serving - 300-400 g.
- Chicken and quail eggs.They contain phosphorus, amino acids that have a beneficial effect on erectile function. Only quail eggs should be eaten raw (1-2 eggs per day), becausechickens are often the source of various infectious diseases. Libido and cravings will be enhanced by an omelet with herbs made from these ingredients. People with high cholesterol should not eat eggs and dishes from them.
- Lean meats.Turkey, rabbit, horse meat, chicken and veal are high in protein, which is important for normal sperm production. Bovine or lamb eggs increase libido. Any type of meat is contraindicated in case of high cholesterol. You can return to the use of chicken, turkey or veal after the indicator of "bad" fats returns to normal. Lean meat can be consumed all 7 days a week. The size of one serving is 300-400 g.
- Dairy products. Kefir, milk, natural cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream improve the quality of sperm, increase the duration of intercourse. They contain vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems. Fermented milk products for erection should be consumed every day for 100-200 g. They are contraindicated for people suffering from phenylketonuria.
- Bitter chocolate and cocoa.These sweets improve blood circulation, promote the production of endorphins, and increase libido. Chocolate containing at least 70% cocoa is suitable to improve erection. Other types of this sweetness do not affect potency. Chocolate and cocoa should not be consumed by people suffering from diabetes. You can eat no more than 200 g of these sweets per week.
- Spinach and celery.These vegetables are legendary. Doctors advise eating herbal products for an erection raw or after light heat treatment every day. If you are allergic to these plants, you cannot eat them. The recommended serving size for spinach or celery is 100-200 g.
- Greens.Cilantro, parsley, stalk celery, lettuce, basil increase the duration of intercourse and the amount of hormones produced. Greens can be added to meals every day. It is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. At least 100 g of greens should be consumed per day.
- Turnip.The plant contains amino acids that have a positive effect on male potency. For a more pronounced effect, it is recommended to consume turnip seeds. The plant is not recommended for people suffering from hepatitis or diseases of the nervous system. You can eat turnips every day for 100-200 g.
- Avocado.When consumed for a long time, the fruit enhances the secretion of sex hormones. Avocados contain folic acid, which can improve erections. People with allergies should not eat this fruit. It is recommended to eat 100-200 g of avocado per week.
- Garlic.After eating this plant, an unpleasant smell arises, but at the same time it greatly increases libido and normalizes hormones. Garlic can be added to vegetable salads, meat dishes (at the final stage of cooking). It is not recommended to eat garlic and onions for people with stomach problems. Up to 100 g of this plant can be consumed per day.
- Vegetables high in selenium and zinc.Peas, carrots, edible lentils, corn, cauliflower, beets, tomatoes normalize hormones and increase attraction to the opposite sex. You can eat every day for 150-300 g. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.
- Nuts.They help to solve problems with potency, are useful for the nervous system. For an erection, it is better to eat walnuts, nutmegs, pine nuts or peanuts every day. The daily portion is 60-70 g. They can be combined with dried fruits, honey or meat. Nuts should not be eaten for colitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, inflammation of the duodenum.
- Blueberries and raspberries.Berries enhance erection, normalize blood flow in the genitals, and promote testosterone production. Doctors advise people trying to cure infertility to eat more raspberries. With urolithiasis, constipation, these berries cannot be eaten. You should eat no more than 200 g of raspberries or blueberries per day, so as not to provoke the development of an allergic reaction to niacin and ascorbic acid. If, after exceeding the recommended serving size, rashes appear on the skin, you should refrain from eating berries for 3-4 days.
- Citrus.Lemon, orange, and grapefruit contain lutein. This substance increases the level of testosterone in the blood. Citrus products for men's health should not be eaten in large quantities, becausethey can provoke allergies. You should eat at least 300 g of these fruits per week. Lemons, oranges and grapefruits should not be eaten by people with high acidity of the stomach.
- Bananas.They improve reproductive function, increase the duration of intercourse. Banana allergies are rare and can be eaten without restriction. It is better not to eat bananas on a diet, becausethey are high in calories. The recommended serving size is 300 g.
- Beekeeping products.Bee bread and honey contain a large amount of protein, which is necessary for normal sperm production. These foods improve blood flow and increase testosterone levels. You can eat no more than 200 g of bee bread and honey per week. It is not recommended to use them for people suffering from allergies, cancer, Graves' disease.
- Pumpkin seeds.They contain a lot of zinc and magnesium, which have a positive effect on the nervous and muscular systems. To improve erection, pumpkin seeds should be eaten at least 3 times a week for 150 g.
- Figs and dates.The products have a positive effect on reproductive function, improve semen production, and strengthen the circulatory system. They should be eaten 3 times a week for 100 g. In the east, figs are considered a strong aphrodisiac. These fruits should not be eaten by people with gout, diabetes mellitus, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Watermelon.This berry expands blood vessels, which helps fight high blood pressure and activates the synthesis of amino acids in the human body. As a result, the erection is normalized. According to statistics, men who often eat watermelon are 5 times less likely to encounter prostate cancer. Doctors recommend using this berry for age-related sexual dysfunction and menopause. Watermelon can be eaten every day in unlimited quantities. This berry is contraindicated in congenital anomalies of the genitourinary system, prostate adenoma and in the presence of large kidney stones.
The listed products can be easily combined with each other. Some men believe that food for potency cannot be tasty, but this opinion is wrong. For a richer taste, seasonings (anise, marjoram, rosemary, cinnamon and others), a little salt can be added to the dishes. At home, you can make natural sauces for dressing salads, add fresh herbs to food.
What drinks improve erection
A man who decides to improve the hormonal background should consume more pure water. Lack of fluid in the body negatively affects the functioning of all systems. The blood becomes thicker, the metabolism slows down, and the overall endurance of the body decreases. Against the background of these pathological changes, potency problems arise. In addition to clean water, the following drinks are useful for men:
- Natural coffe. This drink has a tonic effect on the entire body, is considered an excellent aphrodisiac, contains niacin, vitamin B3. You can drink no more than 2 cups of coffee (500 ml) per day. Natural coffee is contraindicated for hypertension, varicose veins.
- Cocoa. Contains a large amount of flanovols, which improve the tone of the heart vessels. With regular use of cocoa, systolic pressure readings return to normal, which has a great effect on erection. To improve reproductive function, you should consume a sugar-free drink, 200-300 ml per day. You can not drink cocoa with diabetes, atherosclerosis, a tendency to diarrhea.
- Freshly squeezed juices. These drinks perfectly cleanse the blood, normalize the vascular tone. Many doctors consider pomegranate juice to be a natural Viagra, becauseit instantly increases the amount of testosterone, but not all men like it, because it has a sour taste. Drinks obtained from pumpkin and celery root have similar properties. They contain a loading dose of vitamin E, which is important for the functioning of the reproductive system. Freshly squeezed juices should not be drunk by men suffering from gastric acidity and inflammatory diseases of the digestive system. You can drink no more than 1 liter of these drinks per day.
- Koumiss. Mare's milk is an excellent tool for improving reproductive function and strengthening immunity. In case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you cannot drink kumis. Doctors recommend drinking 250 ml of mare's milk 2-3 times a week to improve erection.
- Dry red wine. This drink contains a large amount of trace elements important for the male body: zinc, manganese, magnesium, etc. A glass of dry red wine will increase sexual arousal and improve erection. You can drink no more than 2 glasses (500 ml) of the drink per day. Red wine must be of high quality, otherwise it will not have a healing effect. With hypertension and heart problems, the drink is contraindicated. Dry red wine can be consumed by a man no more than 2 times a week.
Harmful products for male power
There are many types of food products in the stores. The positive dynamics from the use of erection products will be noticeable if a man completely excludes dishes that are harmful to his sexual health from the diet. If he continues to eat unhealthy food along with healthy, then he will not notice any results. For men who want to achieve a stone erection, the following products are contraindicated:
- Fatty food. Fried cutlets, french fries and other food cooked in vegetable oil negatively affect not only the condition of the figure, but also the libido. Saturated fats are deposited as cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Better to replace fatty foods with boiled, stewed or baked foods.
- Beer. Many representatives of the stronger sex believe that this is a man's drink, but it contains a loading dose of phytoestrogens, which are plant analogues of female hormones.
- Fast food. Residents of metropolitan areas should limit the consumption of burgers, nuggets and other street food, becauseit does not contain nutrients, disrupts metabolism, leads to obesity and problems with erection.
- Soy. This meat substitute, like beer, contains a lot of phytoestrogens.
- Bakery products. These include white bread, sweet rolls. They are prepared using yeast, which is a natural source of female hormones.
- Instant coffee. Unlike natural, it does not contain any useful substances, but greatly worsens the condition of the circulatory system.
- Rice. This product is considered dietary, but has a high glycemic index. 3 hours after its use, drowsiness and general decline occur, which will not help to establish a sexual life at all. People with partial erectile dysfunction can eat brown or brown rice once a week.
- Carbonated drinks. They contain a huge amount of sugar, contribute to the development of obesity, and disrupt the production of hormones.
- Sausages, bacon, sausages. These foods contribute to obesity, the production of "bad" cholesterol. With prolonged use of sausages, the vascular tone deteriorates.
- Potato. Only baked, boiled root vegetables are useful for men. The fried potatoes will have to be completely removed from the menu, becauseit is a source of carcinogenic fats. They are a common cause of prostate cancer.
- Energy. Foods high in caffeine and other substances that activate the nervous system greatly damage blood vessels. As a result, a man can not only experience problems with erection, but also get into intensive care due to premature wear of the heart muscle.
- Mayonnaise, mustard and other store sauces. These foods contain a huge amount of flavor enhancers, chemicals and are high in calories. With prolonged use of store sauces, blood circulation, the balance of vitamins and minerals deteriorate, as a result, an erection disappears.